Thursday, September 18, 2014

How long has it been?

Too long. I hit a plateau. I didn't know if I would get past it, but I did. 181. I'm so close to the 70s I can taste it.
Speaking of tasting... still eating healthier AND we purchased a spin bike. I love it. I can already tell a difference in my legs.

As of right now, no more to say... until 180 readers :)

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

One more down.

I seemed to have skip 184 because I stepped on the scales to 183. I felt fantastic. This one pound at a time mindset is helping me to make better progress than anything else I have tried. So here is to 182.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Days 7-11

I am a mom, student, wife, and teacher so I've found that I don't have time to blog everyday. For the most part, diet has been going well. Exercise is the part I am struggling with. I want to exercise seven days a week, but sometimes (a lot of times) I have no motivation.

However, today I stepped on the scale and I was 185.

Now, I have had an epiphany. Instead of focusing on a major goal, I am just going to celebrate one pound at a time. New goal... 184!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Days 4-6

Day 4

I cannot remember what I ate that day, but I remember I had a pretty good day.

But I didn't get the chance to exercise and I was so disheartened. However, I didn't let it bring me down for good.

Day 5
I slept until 11:30 and it was amazing!

Breakfast: Peanut butter and banana
Lunch: A cooking spoon full of macaroni and cheese
Dinner: KFC grilled chicken breast, tiny helping of potatoes and gravy, green beans, corn, and a biscuit
Snacks: Mango juice and an apple

Level 2 of JM 30 Day Shred with an extra circuit

Like I said, I am not going to eliminate food, but I will curb my portion size of some of my favorites.

Day 6
Today was a rainy day spent at home with my baby girl. I loved being home with her, but it was a struggle when it came to the diet. We were basically lazy the whole day except for a quick trip to the store, and I found myself just wanting to snack all day.

Breakfast--Two pieces of homemade pizza. Last night Chloe wanted pepperoni pizza for supper, and I didn't want to waste the leftovers so I ate carbs since it was morning) and coffee with creamer
Lunch--McDonalds hamburger plain with a few fries
Dinner--Steak Salad
Snacks--Banana, Dark Chocolate, Peanut Butter

Hopefully Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred in about an hour

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 3

So yesterday I was definitely sore, and today it is even worse. It hurts to do anything, but sit down. I was 186 on the scale this morning though.

Breakfast--egg, egg whites, sausage, and coffee with creamer
Lunch--small helping of macaroni and cheese, green beans, and fruit salad
Dinner--sweet potato, small helping of m&c, and a banana
Snacks--mini ice cream cone (Chloe ate all of the ice cream out of it), peanut butter, and dark chocolate/peanut butter pretzels

Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Level 2

Yes, I upped a level. It wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be, but I still didn't use free weights. So far motivation is good. I hope tomorrow I step on the scales to 185. We'll see.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 2

In case you were wondering, I survived the night of Day 1, although I must say that I woke up aching. It hurt to walk, move my arms, etc. But you know what? I felt good when I stepped on the scale and read 187.

My mom watched my little girl today, so I had the opportunity to listen to an audiobook I got from the Library. Joy Bauer's Joy's Life Diet. I am here to tell you that it is a super cheesy book, but it did discuss one thing that I thought was interesting--trigger foods

What is a trigger food and what are my trigger foods? A trigger food is a food you cannot pass up and you eat way too much of it. So it made me think about my trigger foods, and here is what I came up with:
  • Pizza
  • Pasta
  • Potatoes
  • Ice Cream
  • Bread
  • Cake
Now Joy feels that you should avoid these at all costs, but I disagree. I think taking something away just makes the desire stronger. However, these are what I need to limit. Now that I named them, this should be easier. For example, my nephew's birthday is coming up and I'm 100% there will be cake. So what do I do? I take a tiny piece of cake. I get my taste without ruining my diet. That's my thought on the issue anyway.

Breakfast--egg, egg whites, sausage links, and coffee with creamer
Lunch--applesauce, banana, and peanut butter
Dinner--flounder, peas, and honey-glazed carrots
Snacks--dark chocolate/peanut butter pretzels and Nutella

Yesterday and today, I only had water besides coffee for breakfast.

Level 1 of Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred (no weights yesterday or today).
No extra workout today though because I am taking 6 summer classes and I had quite a bit of homework.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Day 1

The only way to describe my weight is to compare it to a yo-yo.

I was a super skinny child until my chubby stage began in fourth grade. Then, I had to get braces. Those silver brackets were tiny miracles. I went from a size 13 to a 4 (and sometimes they were big). You want to know something surprising? I never realized how skinny I was!

For the most part, I manage to be a 7/8 or 9/10, but I eventually ended up at 160--a size 11/12.

Then, I met a guy at the gym (my husband). We worked out so much. I also went through some health problems and eventually was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. All of this led to a weight loss to 129 pounds, and once again, a size 4 was sometimes baggy. You want to know something surprising? I still didn't see myself as skinny!

I slowly started gaining weight after I got a full-time job. I was sedentary and tired all of the time. I made my way to 165.

Then, I got pregnant. I gained 38 pounds. You do the math. Wow! I never in my life thought I would weigh that much. Fortunately, I lost down to 170 pretty quickly. I was on my way to being to  being back to my pre-pregnancy weight. But it didn't happen. I gained weight. I didn't make it back to my highest weight ever thank goodness, but I was close.

Last summer I got back in to the 170s, but didn't maintain it. I thought I could do it again this summer, but so far no success.

So here I am blogging about it. I need a place to keep up with my eating and exercising--a place to be accountable.

Day 1: July 13, 2014

Breakfast--Egg/egg whites, coffee with creamer, and an apricot
Lunch--Applesauce, banana, peanut butter
Dinner--Pork Chop, green beans, corn-on-the-cob
Snacks--Nutella and peanut butter/dark chocolate pretzels

Completed Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred
Three hundred revolutions of a weighted hula hoop

Here is to hoping tomorrow is even more successful.